The Animation Production Group was created in late 2015 by Guy Jamieson to help empower Sydney writers, artists and producers with the skills and knowledge to develop their own animated ideas into ready-to-pitch products.

With the help of keen animation lovers that work around Sydney, we find prolific animation producers, directors and writers who’d like to share their stories and expertise with the Sydney animation community.

Sydney does have a somewhat healthy children’s animation industry, but the majority of the actual animation work is completed off shore. We all understand that this is a budget consideration, but imagining a time where the animation industry in Australia is so strong, that budgets are big enough to allow our talented animators to work on the productions, is something many been dreaming of for a while. The animation schools are producing a lot of talent very keen to get into the workforce and what better way to create the projects needed to hire them by empowering everyone with the skills to create and fund their own. has the previous talks available for listening and download. Head over there and register so you can be informed of any new talks.